When the blockchain initially burst onto the scene, the sentiment was that it was a revolutionary technology that could affect the finance industry. This could also alter how transactions in cryptocurrencies could occur. Even though this has been the case, blockchain technology has affected many other industries.

Gaming industry is one of these industries. Gaming is gaining a lot from incorporating blockchain into the ecosystem. Despite of the crypto enthusiasts embracing the revolution in the blockchain gaming space, the larger traditional gaming community is still yet to come around to the technology.
Despite of this resistance, it cannot be denied that the gaming scene is no longer a one-size-fits-all experience. The days of limited ownership, as long as the centralized control are fading away fast. Blockchain technology has brought a revolution unlike any power-up ever encountered. Blockchain games are transforming how users play, earn, and make connections. This is from reimagining classic gaming genres to weaving interactive dystopian narratives.
Blockchain gaming is playing games that incorporate elements of blockchain technology. Users can earn in-game assets for their efforts with traditional games. This serves as a form of reward that makes users feel a sense of progress and ownership in the game. Players can earn rewards in the form of in-game items minted as NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens with blockchain games. This allows users to trade them for fiat or other cryptocurrencies to an open marketplace.
There is a complete sense of ownership with games like this. Players can own the items they earn or unlock as they play. Moreover, unlike traditional games, blockchain games are less susceptible to asset slots. There were some instances with traditional game’s servers have faced lagging and crashing. This has caused players to lose valuable in-game items. Those items would still be in the player’s wallets because they are minted as NFTs if such a game used blockchain technology.