The record says that the Association for the Defense of Integrity an Rights and Duties in Games and Betting or Adeja stated that the website act, without regulation or operational leadership in Brazil, as financial intermediaries between game users and the websites. To put differently, they are responsible for the flow of money between bettors and the accounts of the companies.

It has been stated by The Public Prosecutor’s Office that the auction should be dismissed without trial. However, Judge Marzagão also accepted the argument of Adeja that the association itself could file a public civil action.
A request by the association to block the bank accounts of the companies have also been denied by the judge. They have 15 days to respond. Anatel should notify the telephone operators so that they could block the accounts after the ruling of the court.
The judge said that the facts described in the initial complaint and the documents that accompany it demonstrate the plausibility of the plaintiff’s allegations regarding the participation of the co-defendants in the damages suffered by the community.
It was still possible to access at least seven of the websites listed in the decision when accessed recently. Most of these promised returns on investment or displayed characters from the Tiger’s game.
Folha reported that people have already filed around 500 police reports in São Paulo mentioning Tiger’s since 2023. According to investigations by the Civil Police, those who believed the promises ended up losing R$200,000 or US$35,700.
Some of the blocked sites are,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and
The Ministry of Finance published an ordinance regulating online gambling on July 31. The measure encompasses virtual modalities like the tiger game and other virtual slot machines, card games, roulette and similar formats. This will coma into effect in January of the following year.