The Secretariat of Prizes and Bets of Brazil (SPA) will launch an awareness campaign. This campaign will inform players about the dangers of gambling. We assign licensed operators to join the movement.
On September 3, we revealed the plans. It meets the parliamentary inquiry commission or CPI on match-fixing. SPA leaders Regis Dudena responds to the requests of politicians for measures to counter Brazil’s gambling problem.
Brazil’s licensed market will launch on January 1 next year. This is after lengthy delays in setting up its betting regulation. As of now, 114 operators have submitted applications. This means that up to 342 brands could go live in January. Each license grants access to three skins or brands.
Politicians have raised concerns about potential gambling harms that could arise once the market opens and the regulator can effectively track gambling behaviors.
Dudena and SPA’s plans include launching a player campaign to raise awareness about the risks associated with gambling.
During the CPI meeting, Dudena said that it is a direct demand from the minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad. They also mentioned that they are working on the initial steps of the campaign to ensure the public understands that betting is just entertainment and involves the risk of losing money.
A recent study by market research specialist Hibou highlighted the potential harmful economic impacts of gambling in Brazil. This follows a survey revealing that 10% of the country’s population has experienced financial problems directly due to betting.
The survey had 2,839 respondents from all social classes in Brazil. It found that 68% of Brazilians gambled and around 16% suffering from gambling-related financial issues. This is equivalent to estimated tenth of population in Brazil.