The controversial creation of Pavel Durov, Telegram, has seen record growth in the past years. It has become the go-to messaging app for users globally, especially in regions such as Asia. The messaging app has more than 950 million active users every month. In fact, around 38% of its users are in Asia and it makes it one of the most popular apps of the region.

Casino operators and affiliates are increasingly turning to Telegram as a key tool for promotions, community building, as well as creative engagement, given its popularity. Today, we explore how the iGaming market uses Telegram and why it has become so popular.
Several factors have contributed to the rapid rise of Telegram. Telegram has much looser restrictions, unlike stricter competitors such as Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger. It means that casino operators, as well as affiliates can connect with audiences in more dynamic and scalable ways, especially in some Asian markets where gambling remains a gray-area topic.
For instance, privacy is a key reason for the appeal of Telegram. Its secret chat feature, as well as end-to-end encrypted messaging ensure a secure platform for communication. This suits not only users who value privacy but also those living in regions where online gambling regulations can pose challenges. It allows operators, as well as affiliates to engage with users discreetly.
Telegram supports groups of up to 200,000 members. This allows users to make channels with an unlimited number of subscribers. It gives an ideal level of scalability for affiliates, as well as casino operators aiming the densely populated and tech-savvy Asian markets. It allows them to create huge communities without platform-imposed limitations.
The open API of Telegram also lets users to make bots and mini apps. These can automate things such as customer support and payment handling. Some casino operators also use Telegram to streamline operations and deliver personalized user experiences.