Taizhou police arrested over 40 individuals. This dismantles a major online gambling network and seizing $139 million.

Taizhou police in Zheijiang province have dismantled a substantial cross-provincial online gambling operation in a significant crackdown on illegal online activities. The raid led to the arrest of over 40 individuals and the seizure of an estimated 1 billion yuan or 139 million dollars. It marks a major victory against online gambling networks in China.
A traditional gambling game known as “Na Liuming” is at the heart of the operation. The game involves betting on the outcome of drawing divination sticks. The suspects are under the leadership of Ma, a 39-year old man. He orchestrated online gambling groups through WeChat. They livestreamed games from Sichuan and Hubei provinces. This enables participants to place bets and settle accounts via online transfers. This offers accessibility to users nationwide.
In August of 2023, officials established a task force following a tip-off. This leads to the identification of Ma as the ring leader. The following investigation revealed that the operation had garnered over 40 million yuan in profits within just the first half of last year. Reportedly, Ma used the ill-gotten gains to purchase luxury goods. By February 20, authorities had detained Ma and 21 other suspects. They still have further investigations pending.
This clampdown is part of a larger effort by Chinese authorities to combat online gambling. The Supreme People’s Procuratorate reported that they prosecuted approximately 16,000 individuals for online gambling offenses from January to November 2023, highlighting the government’s commitment to eradicating this form of illegal activity. The operation in Taizhou is one of the largest of its kind in the previous years. This has involved nearly 1, 000 participants from across China and the seizure of significant assets. It also includes a large number of computers, mobile phones, bank cards, and luxury cars.