Control F5 is a service hub for the iGaming segment. It has just signed a collaboration with Income Access. Income Access developed software specifically for brands aiming to generate revenue in the iGaming, forex, and lottery sectors.

The partnership between the companies is quite comprehensive and targets to develop the structure of the affiliate market in the gaming industry in Brazil. This generates greater maturity in the segment.
André Alves, the director of Control 5 explains more about how the collaboration works. He said that in this joint work, they will share the Income Access affiliate network for Brazil. Their aim is to generate greater maturity and structure in the affiliate market.
They will offer Income Access once the market is developed from a regulatory perspective. It is an excellent and high-performance affiliate tool. They want to grow the affiliate segment with good agreements, stimulating the evolution of the sector.
The executive also highlighted the importance of the partnership with Income Access for Control F5. He said that working with Income Access represents a big step for Control F5 and for the iGaming market in the country.
Their goal is to provide affiliate partners with a premier affiliate management platform by this agreement. Growth and success of their operations will be facilitated. They are very excited about the opportunities this collaboration will bring to the sector and are confident that it will further strengthen their position in the market.
Income Access is a global leader in solutions for the online gaming market. On the other hand, Control F5 offers a lot of services aimed at the gaming segment, one of its flagships being complete assistance for affiliate programs.
The joint work of the two companies promises a revolution in Brazilian affiliate marketing. The goal of Control F5 is to increase productivity and performance of affiliate marketing in the national gaming market.