The Danish Gaming Authority has unveiled its latest annual report. This details efforts to fight illegal gambling activities in the country. The report highlights regulatory rules. It also reviews the authority’s actions taken throughout the past year. These actions aim to effectively tackle illegal gambling.

In the previous year, the Danish Gambling Authority conducted three searches of potentially illegal websites. The Danish Gambling Authority conducted these searches in partnership with the Danish Tax Agency. Moreover, the Danish Gambling Authority’s market analysis team contributed with searches for potentially illegal websites.
The Danish Gambling Authority had a number of illegal gambling websites blocked by the court last year, as in the past years. In 2023, authorities blocked 49 illegal gambling websites, including, one of the largest international gambling operators.
The report summary shows that there has been an evident rise in the illegal gambling activities’ online presence. However, the Danish Gambling Authority believes that this surge is mainly due to its heightened focus on combating such activities, rather than an expansion of the illegal market itself.
The authority’s approach includes partnership with tech giants like Apple, Facebook, and Google. The Danish Gambling Authority can quickly identify and report illegal gambling content found in different applications and social media channels through these collaborations. This will ensure its fast removal from platforms accessible to users in Danish.
The report emphasizes the Danish Gambling Authority’s unwavering commitment to its mission. This commitment is about safeguarding players and maintaining a well-regulated gambling market. The report highlights the ongoing efforts of the past decade. It is to monitor and address illegal gambling operators targeting Danish customers without proper licensing.
The report asserts that Denmark’s illegal gambling market remains limited in spite of the observed increase in illegal gambling-related websites. It is supported by high channelization rates that indicate a noteworthy share of the market being regulated.