In its latest report on illegal gaming in Denmark, Spillemyndigheden, the Danish gambling regulator, raised concerns about gambling on Roblox. The regulator stated that it has observed a rise in so-called skin betting. This occurs through the virtual Robux currency on the online gaming platform.

Spillemyndigheden is particularly concerned that the Roblox Developer Exchange Program allows users to cash out earned Robux in US dollars or Danish kroner. It noted that numerous third-party websites use Robux for deposits and as winnings in betting, casino games, and lotteries.
Roblox’s terms and conditions have allowed gambling content. Since 2023, the platform has allowed depictions of gambling, alcohol, dating, and swearing, with age restrictions in place. Yet, the terms are supposed to restrict actual gambling for either real-world money of Robux.
According to the platform, except where prohibited by local law or regulation, they allow unplayable gambling content, such as references to gambling and related imagery. However, they prohibit both simulated and actual gambling activities on the platform.
Spillemyndigheden argues that Robux gambling falls under its jurisdiction following a 2022 court ruling. The ruling determined that websites offering Roblox logins with some Danish-language content actively targeted the Danish market. The regulator is concerned. Estimates show that about half of Roblox users are under 18. A quarter of users are under 13.
It said that Roblux is particularly popular among children and young people under the age of 18. Therefore, Robux betting is a problem. It allows many young people under 18 to access gambling through Robux. Nearly all illegal Robux betting websites allow access through a Robux login. This is problematic. The legal platform links the Roblox login, making it easier for young people to engage in gambling.