Hundreds of workers at Evolution Gaming in Georgia went on strike last July 12. Labor, UNI Global Union Georgian affiliate, initiated the strike. This organizes online dealers and game presenters via EVO union.

Evolution Gaming Georgia employs over 7,000 people. More than 4,000 have signed up in support of the walk-out. Workers want to improve wages, working conditions, and benefits. They also want to be treated with respect and dignity. They say this respect is badly lacking at the company.
On July 12 at midday, employees stopped work. They joined the pre-mobilized strike group around the company’s premises in Tbilisi.
The decision to strike was driven by a comprehensive legal process. This process included a 21-day mediation period that ended without agreement on June 25. The company received a formal strike notice three days before the strike.
The gaming sector of UNI supports the striking workers. They call on Evolution Gaming to immediately start negotiations with the union in good faith.
Head of the Gaming at UNI, Giedre Lelyte, said that they stand with their members in their fight for fair treatment and better working conditions. This collective action signifies a strong and unified front against the issues they face. Evolution Gaming must stop stalling and engage in meaningful dialogue to resolve these issues as soon as possible.
In the evening of July 17, a solidarity rally was held in front of the company office. The strikers call on citizens to support them.
A member of Evo-Union, a trade union, Makhare Patashuri, says they do not have information about the exact number of strikers. Nonetheless, based on his personal observation, he says that their number is increasing. Additionally, he notes, the company has not communicated with the strikers during these 6 days. Yet, its representatives talk about the strike with the employees who continue to work.