Budi Arie Setiadi is the Minister of Communication and Informatics or Kominfo. He said that the government has removed almost one million online gambling content pieces. He mentioned this happened since he took office on July 17 of the past year.

The government of Indonesia will not tolerate online gambling in the digital space of the country. Setiadi stressed this last week.
The Kominfo Ministry will not waver in combating the illegal practice in Indonesia. He added this in spite of facing tough challenges.
During a meeting with Commission I of the House of Representatives, someone said this. According to Setiadi, the government is staying true to its commitment to not tolerate online gambling. Their duty to eliminate online gambling remains the same, and they have to protect our digital space.
He underlined that the government has successfully taken down almost one million online gambling content pieces. This action occurred since he took office on July 17, 2023.
Nonetheless, he pointed out that residues of online gambling still taint Indonesia’s digital space. He compared the handling of online gambling with catching mosquitoes. He said that the downfall of one mosquito does not necessarily deter others from coming, offering an analogy.
Setiadi also emphasized that his office will continue to unforgivingly take down online gambling-related content found in digital space.
He affirmed the commitment of The Communication and Informatics Ministry. They remain dedicated to blocking, shutting down, and taking down all games involving the practices of online gambling in the digital space.
Furthermore, officials have stated that despite lacking direct law enforcement authority, the Kominfo Ministry will continue to immediately respond to reports of online gambling.
He reiterated their commitment to promptly take down reported online gambling content.
The Kominfo Ministry’s efforts to get rid of online gambling are a testament to the government’s commitment to safeguarding digital space of Indonesia from illegal practices that harm the people.