A few days ago, news broke about a significant operation. It involved 14 months of intricate intelligence research and surveillance. The network exploited up to 35,006 bank accounts, 1,200 payment gateways, and 54 major gaming and betting websites. They managed to embezzle substantial sums of money.

The London-based mafia network received a portion of money from gamblers. They would deposit the illicitly gained funds into their accounts as gambling winnings. Meanwhile, they would transfer significant portions of their funds to the United Kingdom.
The UK government would turn a blind eye to its money laundering and other illicit activities as the ministry has stated. This is in return for imposing high taxes on the mafia network’s profits. As a consequence, London would practically pave the way for the culprit’s criminal activities.
Operatives from the ministry have also detained five managers. They were in charge of the Pardakht.me payment gateway and the Nitro bet network. Accusations against them included activities such as economic sabotage, operating online casinos, and receiving illegal profits.
According to the ministry, the UK-based network was involved in more than just crooked activity, it also works to normalizing gambling through different media channels. This is against Islamic teachings.
Certain European countries had gone to great lengths to scatter instability in Iran during last year’s unrest in the country. They orchestrated plots and ploys, which authorities successfully countered.
Esmail Khatib is Iran’s Intelligence Minister. He said that the government countered a conspiracy. It aimed to assassinate many Sunni clergies, judges, and members of the country’s IRGC or Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.
During Khatib’s visit to Mashhad, the plot was planned to be carried out on September 30. Its intention was to fuel ethnic and religious differences in Iran.
The adversaries were aiming to create unrest along the eastern borders. The intelligence chief warned authorities, both Shia and Sunni, to exercise caution.