KRAIL or The Ukrainian Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries has announced that it has blocked 371 unlicensed gambling websites. It said joint action with the security service led to the issue of Order No. 451/2256. This instructs service providers to block the domains using DNS or Domain Name System servers.
They also said that it issued 1000 orders to limit access to domain names and subdomains during April and May.
Ukraine’s parliament voted in April to disband the regulator while KRAIL remains operational. Regulator’s collegial structure has received criticism. It requires at least five of its six members to be present for meetings to be valid. The disruption caused by military service following the Russian invasion has often led to cancellations of meetings and long delays for license applications.
Before President Volodymyr Zelenskyy can sign it, the bill will undergo a second reading. During the interim until a new regulator is established, gambling regulation would fall under the digital transformation ministry due to the liquidation of KRAIL.
The parliament of Ukraine, The Verkhovna Rada voted in April to liquidate KRAIL. The vote happened after more than a year of opposition as to how Ukrainian gambling is regulated. The opposition stemmed from frustration over the ability of KRAIL to carry out regulatory work like issuing licenses.