The Netherlands House of Representatives has voted to ban online gambling advertising and high-risk online gambling, such as slots.

Last April 16, the vote took place. The ban secured a majority vote in favor, with 114 motions submitted and decided upon during the voting process. Of these, 14 focused on gambling, with 10 being adopted.
The motion to ban online gambling advertising, which included online gambling with a demonstrably very high risk, using slots as the main example, was among those voted upon.
According to Netherlands-based Casino Nieuws, the rationale behind this decision is that players have no control over the outcome of the game. With a majority of 79 votes in favor of the motion, it received backing from the Members of Parliament (MPs). Derk Boswijk initially proposed these bans back in February. He is a politician from CDA or the Christian Democratic Appeal party. Boswijk’s motion received support from Diederik van Dijk, Nicolien van Vroonhoven, Michiel van Nispen, and Mirjam Bikker.
The next step is to enshrine this decision in law, as the House has voted in favor of the ban. Additionally, it has received approval from the Minister for Legal Protection.
Over the last couple of months, the gambling industry in the Netherlands has seen a shake-up. Their operators were potentially being forced to make more changes in the future.
The Dutch Parliament approved a mandate to introduce fixed cross-operator deposit limits last February. This opened a consultation to discuss plans to improve player protection changes.
MP Mirjam Bikker brought up the motion to enforce overarching playing limits. In order for this to be implemented, an amendment to the decree, and potentially the law, will be necessary. The outline for the overarching limits is expected to be shared by the end of the year.