Derk Boswijk of CDA or Christian Democratic Appeal party submitted a motion to completely ban gambling advertising in the Netherlands.
Back in July, the Netherlands government implemented a ban on gambling advertising. The change prohibited advertising through most media channels. This includes television, radio and print. In connection to this, rules also banned advertising in public places.
In spite of this, in some context, laws still allowed advertising. This meant ads within on-demand streaming services are still permitted. It includes the ones on social media, through direct mail and online gaming environments.
Boswijk’s aim with the motion is to protect young people and vulnerable groups. He still feels that they are coming into contact with targeted advertisements. His motion was also signed by Diederik van Dijk, Nicolien van Vroonhoven, Michiel van Nispen, and Mirjam Bikker. They are also his fellow Dutch politicians.
A vote in the house of representatives on the motion will measure whether a total ban will receive the required support.
Mirjam Bikker also brought in motion to introduce an overarching gaming limit for Dutch providers. He criticized Franc Weerwind for his lack of protection for vulnerable players. Weerwind is minister for legal protection for the Netherlands.
The motion requests that the government set a maximum limit for both deposits and losses on online casinos, preventing gamblers from being able to raise them independently. Bikker’s motion was co-submitted by none other politicians from variety of political parties, including Boswijk.
Dilan Yesilgöz is the Netherlands’ minister of justice and security. She assured Weerwind was taking steps to introduce overarching playing limits.