AGCO or Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario commissioned a new study with iGaming Ontario. The study found that the vast majority of people participate in online gambling in the province. They do so on regulated sites.Two years after Ontario adopted an open, regulated Internet gaming market, the report comes.

According to The Commission, this represents a significant change. Before April 2022, the Government of Ontario hadn’t introduced a safer, competitive, and regulated open market. An estimated 70 per cent of online gambling occurred on unregulated sites.
Last February, Ipsos conducted a study. It showed that 86.4% of Ontarians gambled online in the previous three months. They did so on regulated sites. This aligns with a similar study conducted the previous year.
Attorney General Doug Downey stated that since its launch in April 2022, Ontario’s iGaming model has gained international recognition. Acknowledging its actions to displace the unregulated online gaming market. This made-in-Ontario, regulated market will continue to inspire global innovation, while ensuring a safer landscape for players and businesses alike.
In 2022, the Government of Ontario collaborated with the AGCO and iGaming Ontario. They launched an open online market. This market allows entitled private gaming operators to operate in the province. As of today, 47 operators have registered. They offer 77 regulated sites to Ontarians. These operators must register with the AGCO and contract with iGO.
Nonetheless, in spite this majority option for legal sites, an outstanding portion of Ontario’s iGaming participants continues to wager on unregulated sites, according to the study.
The Commission reports that participants have named over 350 unregulated websites. This highlights the multitude of unlawful betting options available to Ontarians. It underscores the importance of continued efforts to shift players to Ontario’s legal gaming options.
Dr. Karin Schnarr, AGCO’s Chief Executive Officer and Registrar, stated that in Ontario, regulated sites adhere to high standards. These standards include game integrity, data security, and player protections. This includes having significant responsible gaming safeguards. While it’s encouraging to see most participants choosing regulated gaming options, unfortunately, those who are not are risking far more than their wagers.