KSA or The Dutch Gaming Authority has provided clarity on the implementation timeline for the new Responsible Gaming Policy Rules. This follows their announcement in early April. The majority of the policy rules will take effect on June 3, with specific dates for providers to stick to.

KSA said that the policy rules include the bulk of the amendments outlined in the Responsible Gaming Policy Rules. However, there are a few exceptions to this timeline.
For example, Article 3.1.12 and Article 3.1.13 of the constitution version of the Responsible Gaming Policy Rules will have a delayed implementation date of October 1.
The KSA has extended the deadline. This gives providers more time. They can make adjustments. These adjustments include information and communication technology, policy formulation, and personnel training.
KSA has also noted that they may make minor changes to the articles in response to feedback received during the consultation period.
In early April, the KSA imposed a penalty on Casbit Group NV for offering illegal games of chance on the lala.bet website.
The authorities imposed the penalty with the intention of stopping Casbit from offering online casino games without a license. KSA stated that strict rules and regulations apply to offering games of chance with a permit.
The regulator also said that after publication of the proposed changes, the KSA accepted a request to give all parties more time to submit a response. The responses submitted were then carefully evaluated. This process took longer than anticipated, so the publication date has been postponed.
On the other hand, gambling operators have encouraged the government to ignore a legislative vote. The vote supports a ban on online slots and online gambling advertising. NOGA, or The Netherlands Online Gambling Association, described the vote as thoughtless and irresponsible. They stated that it would push players to unlicensed operators.