The Ministry of Tourism and Sports has inspected the bookmaker Ringobet. The department’s press service reports that this is at the request of the State Revenue Committee in April 2024.
The server for accepting bets of a bookmaker’s office should be located at the location of the organizer of the gambling business in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is according to the requirements of the Law On Gambling Business. The inspection established a violation of this requirement. Furthermore, bookmaker’s office, deliberately false information was provided. In this regard, authorities held the office of Ringobet administratively responsible under parts 1 and 2 of Article 464 of the Code on Administrative Offences. This is in the form of a fine that totals 849 thousand tenge. The message states that authorities also revoked its license to operate a bookmaker’s office.
At a plenary meeting of the Mazhilis, at the beginning of May this year, deputies in the second reading adopted a draft law on gambling, lotteries, and lottery activities. Deputy Elnur Beisenbaev revealed the most important points of the new law.
He said that the bill specifies a list of persons who are restricted from participating in gambling and betting. The maximum period for a self-ban on gambling has been increased from one year to ten years. As it turns out, a year is very little. Many people continue to play actively after the restriction expires. The main thing is that it will be impossible to end the self-ban early.
Now, more than 3 million gamers will not be able to place bets, according to Majilisman.