Senator Jude U. Hofschneider of R-Tinian has introduced Senate Local Bill No. 23-05. This marks a worthy of attention step towards enabling internet gaming licenses on Tinian. It is the island in the Northern Mariana Islands. This is for a period not exceeding 20 years.

The proposed legislation aims to stimulate economic growth in Tinian by tapping into the rapidly expanding internet gaming industry. Senator Hofschneider underscores the importance of diversifying the island’s revenue streams and creating sustainable employment opportunities for its residents.
The senator emphasizes in his legislative initiative the imperative of aligning Tinian’s gaming regulations with international standards and the United States federal laws. The bill seeks to strengthen the position of Tinian as a reputable jurisdiction for internet gaming operations by ensuring regulatory compliance.
Senate Local Bill No. 23-05 outlines a comprehensive regulatory framework for internet gaming activities on Tinian. It sets forth the procedures for obtaining and operating under an internet gaming license. Moreover, also establishes clear guidelines for compliance and oversight.
A cornerstone of the proposed legislation is its stringent measures to prevent underage access to internet gaming platforms. Senator Hofschneider emphasizes the implementation of robust age verification software. This is to protect minors from engaging in online gambling activities.
The bill imposes strict geographical limitations on internet gaming operations, restricting activities to the boundaries of the Second Senatorial District, which comprises Tinian and Aguiguan. Furthermore, operators must stick fast to jurisdictions where Internet gaming is legally permissible. This ensures adherence to international regulations.
One outstanding aspect of Senate Local Bill No. 23-05 is its provision for flexibility in licensing. The bill empowers the Tinian Casino Gaming Control Commission, unlike numerical constraints imposed. This is to issue internet gaming licenses based on regulatory compliance and market demand.