The Swedish gambling authority, Spelinspektionen has launched the “With your future as a bet” campaign for young adults. It will highlight the consequences of gambling for money.
The campaign is aimed at people aged between 18 to 25 years old. Spelinspektionen stated that the campaign focuses on unhealthy and risky gambling and features language that is straight and concrete.
The gambling authority has collaborated with the Swedish Public Agency on the campaign. The initiative also involves the Swedish Crown Prosecutor. Their goal is to counteract the negative consequences of gambling for money among young people.
The campaign will be visible on digital platforms young people use. There is also a page on the website of Spelinspektionen. It offers information to young people about gambling and who they can turn to for help.
Head of Communications at Spelinkspektionen, Yvonne Hejdenberg stated that many come into contact with some form of gambling for money via computer games and apps. Through the campaign, they try to talk about the consequences of unhealthy gambling in an emotional way.
She added that they believe that the campaign will also be able to speak to adults, especially parents or relatives of children in the target group.